

The Median of the Median of the Median Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#574398#9314. The Median of the Median of the Medianlost_nameAC ✓254ms66432kbC++142.7kb2024-09-18 21:57:28
#565145#9314. The Median of the Median of the Medianucup-team1135AC ✓256ms35136kbC++143.0kb2024-09-15 20:25:50
#566853#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianKULIANLENAC ✓256ms35348kbC++202.5kb2024-09-16 02:27:23
#566150#9314. The Median of the Median of the Medianyyw233AC ✓257ms35356kbC++143.4kb2024-09-15 23:08:43
#565739#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianTggdbAC ✓258ms51264kbC++172.2kb2024-09-15 22:07:33
#569031#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianFrevoidAC ✓259ms35140kbC++231.3kb2024-09-16 20:03:00
#576567#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianllltdzAC ✓261ms93072kbC++141.8kb2024-09-19 21:04:43
#575935#9314. The Median of the Median of the Medianwhp2602765865AC ✓263ms35044kbC++171.0kb2024-09-19 17:28:27
#569185#9314. The Median of the Median of the MediandreamjokerAC ✓265ms34512kbC++232.4kb2024-09-16 21:11:29
#578352#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianqmqcbhcAC ✓265ms66348kbC++142.9kb2024-09-20 18:34:02
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Score distribution

Prefix sum

Suffix sum