

The Median of the Median of the Median Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#566165#9314. The Median of the Median of the Median_slbAC ✓365ms53408kbC++172.6kb2024-09-15 23:13:03
#569291#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianxyyyAC ✓365ms66528kbC++171.8kb2024-09-16 21:46:06
#568305#9314. The Median of the Median of the Medianucup-team4740AC ✓367ms66416kbC++201.3kb2024-09-16 15:59:57
#573092#9314. The Median of the Median of the MediandedaoAC ✓369ms66244kbC++141.7kb2024-09-18 17:19:44
#570440#9314. The Median of the Median of the MediantilennAC ✓370ms42384kbC++232.4kb2024-09-17 15:51:26
#568245#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianFeiAC ✓374ms51012kbC++142.8kb2024-09-16 15:41:59
#572885#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianLuckyblockAC ✓374ms129052kbC++201.9kb2024-09-18 16:40:51
#573449#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianSDNUyuqiAC ✓375ms71920kbC++231.1kb2024-09-18 18:48:41
#574197#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianSredAC ✓376ms66040kbC++141.3kb2024-09-18 21:03:59
#569903#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianAderose_yrAC ✓377ms19696kbC++171.6kb2024-09-17 12:03:38
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Score distribution

Prefix sum

Suffix sum