

The Median of the Median of the Median Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#565603#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianxioachouAC ✓234ms34696kbC++142.5kb2024-09-15 21:49:48
#569713#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianlaonongminAC ✓234ms35012kbC++171.8kb2024-09-17 09:14:14
#567766#9314. The Median of the Median of the Medianwifi32767AC ✓234ms36488kbC++201.6kb2024-09-16 13:50:17
#590560#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianZhaoZiLongAC ✓236ms19200kbC++173.0kb2024-09-26 07:20:23
#574646#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianxixixiAC ✓236ms19352kbC++141002b2024-09-18 23:32:50
#574416#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianwangwxAC ✓237ms35168kbC++141.1kb2024-09-18 22:02:06
#569623#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianyimgAC ✓237ms35392kbC++203.4kb2024-09-17 01:53:54
#566633#9314. The Median of the Median of the MedianVICUNA326AC ✓237ms108652kbC++203.1kb2024-09-16 00:53:16
#568785#9314. The Median of the Median of the MediangoukAC ✓238ms50564kbC++202.2kb2024-09-16 18:14:24
#576739#9314. The Median of the Median of the Mediandrm_skerAC ✓239ms66332kbC++202.2kb2024-09-19 21:49:51
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Score distribution

Prefix sum

Suffix sum