

The 2nd Universal Cup Prime Contest Announcements & Rules

2023-12-20 02:55:58 By ucupannouncements

As a Christmas/New Year special event, the 2nd Universal Cup Prime Contest is scheduled from Dec 24 (after the end of the last window of Stage 15) to Jan 6 (before the start of the first window of Stage 17). Registration of the contest will be opened soon.

We hope that this contest will be a great entertaining event for the Christmas to New Year period. Wish you all a good time!

Contest format

The contest will start on Dec 24, 2023, at 12:00 (UTC +8) and end on Jan 6, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC +8). It will last 300 hours in total.

There will be about 40 problems in total, which were the tasks that were not solved by anyone during the contest in the following contests:

  • The Universal Cup regular stages in 2023.
  • The contests written by the Universal Cup committee members in 2022 and 2023, including ICPC Regional Contests, CCPC Contests, training camp contests, and (Chinese) Olympiad in Informatics.
  • Other contests submitted by the contest authors.

Additional tasks might be added during the contest.


Due to the special format of the contest, the rules of the contest will be different from the regular stages.

  • You are allowed to use any internet materials and any pre-written codes written by your team.
    • In particular, you are allowed to submit any tasks that were previously solved by your team, as long as they were finished by yourself. Copy-pasting other's solutions is strictly prohibited in the contest.
  • There will be no restrictions on the number of computers you used in the contest.


The competition will be ranked in descending order of the first keyword by the number of solved problems, and ascending order of the second keyword by the time penalty.

The Penalty rules are different from the regular universal cup stages.

The penalty for a problem is the the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submission of the first accepted run. The total penalty of the team is the maximum penalty of all solved problems.

Every wrong submission of a solved problem will add the total penalty by $20$ minutes.

The scoreboard will not be frozen in the contest. It is available during the whole contest window.



