The 2nd Universal Cup Finals is coming! Check out our event page, schedule, and competition rules!
# | 用戶名 | 格言 | 通過數 |
704 | Andeviking | 67 | |
704 | Camillus | 67 | |
704 | dieselhuang | 67 | |
704 | HTensor | 67 | |
704 | KING_UT | 67 | |
704 | rikka_lyly | 67 | |
704 | ucup-team2894 | 67 | |
704 | ucup-team3896 | 67 | |
704 | ucup-team5284 | 67 | |
710 | Bucketsmith | 66 | |
710 | hui | 66 | |
710 | Mine_King | 66 | |
710 | ohiostatescarlet | 66 | |
710 | pretentious | $$\det(AB) = \sum_{S\in\tbinom{[n]}m} \det(A_{[m],S})\det(B_{S,[m]})$$ | 66 |
710 | superguymj | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team1075 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team131 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team1321 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team155 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team2024 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team3540 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team4504 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team4583 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team4767 | 66 | |
710 | ucup-team5318 | 66 | |
726 | egypt_ioi2024_01 | 65 | |
726 | fansizhe | 65 | |
726 | OOBMABTRAMS | 65 | |
726 | paul2008 | 65 | |
726 | tselmegkh | 65 | |
726 | Tx_Lcy | 65 | |
726 | ucup-team1102 | 65 | |
726 | ucup-team1277 | 65 | |
726 | ucup-team4153 | 65 | |
726 | ucup-team4714 | 65 | |
726 | ucup-team5657 | sabiba | 65 |
726 | ucup-team5779 | 65 | |
726 | ucup-team5957 | 65 | |
726 | zhenghanyun | 65 | |
740 | AnosVoldigoad | 64 | |
740 | Huluobo | 64 | |
740 | nickbelov | 64 | |
740 | SuffixTree | 64 | |
740 | ucup_team_qiuly | 64 | |
740 | ucup-team014 | 64 | |
740 | ucup-team2513 | 64 | |
740 | ucup-team293 | 64 | |
740 | ucup-team387 | 64 | |
740 | ucup-team598 | 64 | |
740 | ucup-team639 | 64 | |
740 | Yansuan_HCl | 64 | |
752 | 1234567890 | 公用账号,珍惜使用 | 63 |
752 | A_zjzj | 63 | |
752 | APJifengc | 63 | |
752 | c20230201 | 63 | |
752 | ji_114514 | 63 | |
752 | jinqihao2023 | 63 | |
752 | JZYZ | 63 | |
752 | ucup-team1329 | 63 | |
752 | ucup-team1453 | 63 | |
752 | ucup-team1765 | Oh, furry | 63 |
752 | ucup-team3811 | 63 | |
752 | ucup-team5347 | 63 | |
752 | zhicheng | 63 | |
765 | 000226 | 62 | |
765 | Arraiter | 62 | |
765 | BUET_POTATOES | 62 | |
765 | cwfxlh | 62 | |
765 | fucker | let me fuck you | 62 |
765 | inksamurai | 62 | |
765 | IsaacMoris | 62 | |
765 | Larunatrecy | 62 | |
765 | LFAIJ | 62 | |
765 | Little09 | qwq | 62 |
765 | MIT01 | 62 | |
765 | RDFZchenyy | 悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。 | 62 |
765 | rzh123 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team1259 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team1828 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team3659 | IOI 2028 中国国家队队长:贾治辰 | 62 |
765 | ucup-team3742 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team3788 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team4474 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team5126 | 62 | |
765 | ucup-team5226 | 62 | |
765 | yiyiyi | 62 | |
787 | 00 | $$ e^x = \sum_{n=0} \frac{x^n}{n!} $$ | 61 |
787 | Arghariza | 61 | |
787 | As3b_team_f_masr | 61 | |
787 | dengtingyu | 61 | |
787 | flywatre | 61 | |
787 | isaunoya | 61 | |
787 | Liberty12619 | 61 | |
787 | NATURAL6 | 61 | |
787 | Sktn0089 | 61 | |
787 | Sunlight9 | 61 | |
787 | ThreeKonjaks | 61 | |
787 | ucup-team1547 | 61 | |
787 | ucup-team1688 | 61 | |
787 | ucup-team2866 | 61 |