

#199882#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchinghos_lyricAC ✓229ms3960kbC++142.3kb2023-10-04 14:29:28
#199544#7518. GCD of Pattern MatchingMaMengQiAC ✓592ms3900kbC++201.5kb2023-10-04 12:56:06
#199027#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchingucup-team1881AC ✓1175ms3844kbC++202.0kb2023-10-03 20:24:25
#199013#7518. GCD of Pattern MatchingMCPlayer542AC ✓163ms1548kbC++141.0kb2023-10-03 20:15:09
#198937#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchingucup-team859AC ✓312ms3852kbC++171.4kb2023-10-03 19:07:33
#198934#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchingucup-team859AC ✓733ms3872kbC++171.5kb2023-10-03 19:05:19
#198798#7518. GCD of Pattern MatchingckisekiAC ✓794ms3832kbC++202.1kb2023-10-03 17:22:08
#198067#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchingucup-team2016AC ✓317ms3892kbC++175.4kb2023-10-03 01:04:30
#198065#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchingucup-team2016AC ✓1003ms3856kbC++175.7kb2023-10-03 01:01:52
#198054#7518. GCD of Pattern Matchingucup-team1712AC ✓1453ms3876kbC++171.6kb2023-10-03 00:26:55
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