

Lion and Zebra Statistics

Submissions Statistics

Accepted Submissions

IDProblemSubmitterResultTimeMemoryLanguageFile sizeSubmit time
#426624#2550. Lion and Zebraship2077AC ✓70ms38256kbC++141.7kb2024-05-31 16:25:42
#522190#2550. Lion and ZebraUrdAC ✓71ms32492kbC++171.8kb2024-08-16 19:28:16
#185527#2550. Lion and ZebrakkioAC ✓79ms33652kbC++204.4kb2023-09-22 11:02:44
#108049#2550. Lion and ZebraKostlinAC ✓87ms33868kbC++144.4kb2023-05-23 15:10:48
#404101#2550. Lion and Zebrapeng bo peng bei (Shenghao Zhang)#AC ✓89ms40588kbC++141.6kb2024-05-03 11:52:36
#114889#2550. Lion and ZebraflowerAC ✓90ms33932kbC++142.5kb2023-06-23 21:42:53
#463654#2550. Lion and Zebraxlpg0713AC ✓96ms37176kbC++231.7kb2024-07-05 10:14:36
#400876#2550. Lion and ZebraznstzAC ✓117ms37332kbC++233.9kb2024-04-27 17:17:21
#49420#2550. Lion and ZebraCrysfly🌈AC ✓118ms40588kbC++111.6kb2022-09-21 10:07:55
#726585#2550. Lion and ZebramaspyAC ✓120ms44528kbC++2332.9kb2024-11-09 03:14:42
  • 1
  • 2

Score distribution

Created with Raphaël
score: 100

Prefix sum

Created with Raphaël 2.1.20102030400
score: ≤100

Suffix sum

Created with Raphaël 2.1.20102030400
score: ≥100